Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Meet me on the other side. Come what will, I have chosen, I am going, I will be there. My soul has been informed there will be a ‘strangeness’ coming and probably ’she’ will understand and accept my position. She hangs a bit back, a little afraid of this unknown coming, will ‘she’ embrace this transformation? I tell her to breathe and wait… Won’t you meet me on the other side with hope in your heart? Won’t you trust yourself to process this ‘adventure’ with courage having faith that we can work out anything together? Won’t you relish in the delicacy and excitement of the unknown? Are you scared to look within? Isn’t security of spirit a death to feeling alive? Isn’t that why we enjoy others’ drama? Come what will, I have chosen. But wait, it is not totally a ‘choice’... is it? Both a choice and not. Tied to you from another choice made long ago, I leap into the unknown, tremulously, trusting the flow of what will be. I look within and you know I have no choice but to make this choice. If I’m honest I continue unravelling what love is… and being brave is part of that path. Protecting myself from the pinions awaiting under love’s cloak is a choice that will suffocate love’s lessons. And here, where we bare our souls, where we stab at being ourselves in the safety of partial anonymity what other venue is comparable? Here where we can expose our vulnerable tender feelings hoping for acceptance and attention would it not be foolish to not open our hearts and support this change? Meet me on the other side. Won’t you meet me on the other side. I’ll see you on the other side. I will be on the other side. Carried by the forces that etch my destiny, from the past, now and into the future, what else is there to do? In the mystery of the written word, in the mystique of perception, in the question of communication, am I writing about my ****** transition, life, accepting death or something other? A subjectivity to all, A transformation… yikes… I am fading… I am too much depressed…has it begun? Will see you on the other side !!!

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